DSCF6599 Kovshar OlenaDoctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department.
Фото Іншаков

Inshakov Artur ‒ Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.

  Suiatynova Kateryna ‒ Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor.
 Бєлікова_Олена_Аркадіївна.jpg Bielikova Olena ‒ Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer.
 dsc 0028 Inshakova Inna ‒ Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor.
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Chuloshnikova Maryna ‒ Senior Lecturer.

image Boiko Svitlana ‒ Assistant.
Kurienkova Anna‒ Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer.
Sidenko Yuliia ‒ Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer.
зображення_viber_2024-11-04_19-01-36-516.jpg Shtepa Lyudmyla ‒ Assistant.Tsaplyuk Oleksandr 
Tsaplyuk Oleksandr ‒ Assistant.
зображення_viber_2024-11-04_19-13-39-423.jpg Drevnyak Lada ‒ Assistant.