Country | Partner institution |
Topics of cooperation and practical results of cooperation |
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Magna Charta Universitatum | On the 23-25th of October 2023, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University signed the Magna Charta Universitatum. It declared its commitment to the original declaration and to upholding and advancing the Principles, Values and Responsibilities, to strengthen the role of the university in the preservation of the planet and promoting health, prosperity, and enlightenment around the world. |
Republic of Poland |
Memorandum of Cooperation. Development and implementation of joint educational and research projects with the involvement of international funds and programs. Conducting an internship. Introduction of joint "double degree" master's programs. Conducting joint events (conferences, seminars, trainings). |
Conducting scientific sociological research. Scientific advice on the study of social microstructures. Study of the dynamics of the main indicators of socio-economic development. Preparation of a textbook on the sociology of labor and management; participation in conferences. Joint internship. |
Scientific and creative cooperation on the problems of improving the content and organization of the educational process of training. Development and implementation of innovative educational technologies in the educational process. Effective use of educational and scientific potential of the teaching staff. Development of educational and research projects; holding conferences. Joint development of monographs, textbooks, etc. |
Development of science and the national system of higher education. Joint research and publication of results in professional journals. Effective use of educational and scientific potential of the teaching staff. |
Participation in the international project "Return the river to the people. Partnership for the restoration of the Saksagan River in Kryvyi Rih as a mechanism to support intersectoral dialogue. "Nova Guta-Kryvyi Rih. Partnership in industrial regions". Exchange of scientific information and joint publications. Cooperation in teaching and training of specialists in biology and ecology. |
Memorandum of Understanding. Cooperation in the field of biology and natural sciences, which may include the organization of research projects and other forms of cooperation. |
European University of Social and Technical Sciences, Radom city |
Academic exchanges. Exchange of academic staff for the purpose of conducting research, participating in scientific conferences, etc. Implementation of joint research projects. Development of textbooks and other publications and publishing cooperation. | |
Youth University of Law | Exchange of teachers, educational documentation, curricula and programs, materials for publications in scientific journals. Conducting joint research within the scope of the subject matter. Organizing joint scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, and trainings. Search for mutual interests in the research activities of partners. | |
University of Łódź | Cooperation agreement. Joint development of educational and creative projects commissioned by interested agencies of Ukraine and Poland. Holding joint scientific, scientific and practical conferences, seminars, symposia, round tables, and joint publishing activities. Mobility of students and academic staff. | |
Cooperation agreement. Joint development of educational and creative projects commissioned by interested agencies of Ukraine and Poland. Conducting joint scientific, scientific-practical conferences, seminars, symposiums, round tables and joint publishing activities. Mobility of students and research and teaching staff. |
Central European Academy Studies and Certification (CEASC)
Memorandum of Cooperation. Carrying out of joint actions (seminars, trainings, lectures, conferences), informational and explanatory and consultative work among students and scientific and pedagogical workers. Development and implementation of training and information programs and courses. |
Cooperation in the field of educational activities ;. Exchange of research information. Conducting joint seminars and conferences. Exchange of students and teachers. Implementation of joint research, search for mutual interests. |
Cooperation in the field of educational activities, in research and information activities and in the field of culture and amateur activities of students and teachers. Implementation of joint research, search for mutual interests. Exchange of artistic and creative teams of universities. |
Europejska Uczelnia Społeczno-Techniczna |
Cooperation in the field of teacher exchange for lectures and consultations. Exchange of scientific and pedagogical staff in order to conduct joint research projects, scientific and educational activities (conferences, seminars, trainings, etc.). Joint publishing activities. Exchange of experience in the organization of the educational process and the development of curricula for related specialties of the Parties. Student exchange. Implementation of joint research projects. |
Wyższa Szkoła Techniczna
Joint publishing activities. Conducting joint scientific and practical conferences, seminars, etc. Academic mobility. | |
Joint master's programs "double diploma". | |
Institute for the Development of Education and Science "KNOWLEDGE" | Framework agreement on cooperation. Joint research, lectures and symposia. Academic exchanges. Exchange of scientific publications. | |
International Academy of Applied Sciences in Lomzh | Agreement on scientific, educational, informational, exchange and cultural cooperation. Joint implementation of research projects. Academic mobility. Joint educational and methodological conferences, seminars, meetings, round tables, etc. | |
Academia Pomorska w Słupsku |
Agreement on cooperation. Academic exchanges. Creating opportunities to organize regular conferences and seminars of common interest. Exchange of scientific information, including publications on organized research projects and the possibility of participation of researchers. Agreement on cooperation in the process of student education (double degree). Training of students in the specialty 014.03 Secondary Education (History) of the second (master's level) higher education of Kyiv State Pedagogical University, who begin their studies under this Agreement, in the specialty History in the direction of "Public history" of the master's program in Slupsk. |
Wroclaw University | Organizing and conducting joint research, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia, etc. Exchange of experience in the implementation of advanced technologies and teaching methods and provision of mutual assistance in the training of scientific personnel. Exchange of students and academic staff and joint publications. Implementation of joint scientific and educational programs and projects. Coordination of work on the training of highly qualified personnel, reviewing monographs, qualifying works of doctors of philosophy and doctors of science, opposing and advising scientists. | |
University of Gdansk | Academic exchange of pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and research staff within the framework of educational and scientific programs in order to carry out pedagogical, scientific and pedagogical and scientific work in areas of mutual interest to the Parties. Organizing and conducting joint research, scientific and practical conferences, symposia, etc. Joint scientific publications and training programs. | |
Marie Curie-Skłodowska University | Joint scientific research. Exchange of teachers, students, information and scientific publications. | |
Ukrainian Historical Society in Poland | Joint research, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia, etc. Academic exchanges. Exchange of experience in the implementation of advanced technologies and teaching methods and mutual assistance in the training of scientific personnel. Implementation of joint programs, courses, seminars, and projects. | |
Graduate School of Business and Management in Ciechanów | Exchange of teachers for participation in the educational process, educational documentation, curricula, programs and materials for publication in scientific journals. Joint publication of educational materials. Mutual exchange of information about conferences. Organizing joint scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, and trainings. | |
United Kingdom |
Participation in the programs: Active Citizens: Media for Youth Centers 2017/18; Ukraine Higher Education Development Program; International Offices: Best Practices |
Joint activities for the development of research, research and creative activities of students and teachers. Conducting linguistic research, preparation of methodological materials in order to improve the teaching of English. | |
Hunter College of New York University | Academic exchanges. Implementation of joint scientific research projects, seminars, conferences, etc. Facilitating the dissemination of information about the Parties' manuals, curricula, and publications. | |
Hungary |
Eötvös Lorand University | Memorandum of cooperation. Academic exchanges. Organization and conduct of the Summer School. Organization and conduct of joint research. Technical support. |
University of Nyíregyháza | Organizing and conducting joint research, international projects, seminars, scientific and practical conferences, symposia, and similar events. Exchange of experience in implementing advanced technologies and teaching methods and mutual assistance in training academic staff. Academic exchanges. Exchange of students, bachelors and postgraduates, creating conditions for deepening theoretical and practical knowledge. | |
Czech Republic |
The University of Pardubice | Creation and implementation of joint international projects. Organization and holding of joint scientific events (seminars, conferences, research). Academic exchanges. Participation of students and young scientists in the summer school of German language at the University of Pardubice. |
Federal Republic of Germany |
Ruhr University Bochum | Research in the field of logic and analytical philosophy. Implementation of joint research projects and mutual scientific visits. Organization of scientific conferences |
Doctors Against Animal Experiments Germany | Contract prohibiting the use of live or dead animals in experiments, according to the established list. | |
Goethe-Institut | Participation in the forum of German language teachers and practical events of the Goethe Institute. Internship of teachers. | |
German Academic Exchange Service(DAAD) | Conducting testing to determine the level of English and German language skills of DAAD employees. | |
University of Greifswald | Memorandum of Cooperation. Exchange of faculty for a short, medium or long period of time, which will guarantee further scientific cooperation. Organization of joint research activities. Exchange of publications for scientific, methodological and informational purposes. | |
Kingdom of Spain |
Granada University | Exchange of students and research and teaching staff under the Erasmus program. |
Republic of Bulgaria |
Hotel "T wanted", Varna | Practical training of students of Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University at the resort complexes of the Republic of Bulgaria in accordance with the work program of the practice. |
Republic of Kazakhstan |
Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University | Exchange of bachelors, masters, and PhD students. Cooperation in the preparation of double degree programs at the bachelor's and master's level. Exchange of experience and information on educational and methodological work, curricula and programs, and events. |
Republic of Latvia |
The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia | Joint research programs. Academic exchange. Providing technical base for research. Preparation of joint printed materials. |
Republic of Moldova |
Ion Creangă State Pedagogical University | Memorandum of Cooperation: Joint organization and conduct of research programs, refresher courses, scientific and methodological seminars and internships. Preparation of joint printed materials. Assistance in the introduction of modern Internet technologies and other tools to support research and scientific and methodological activities. |
Indonesia |
STEKOM University | Exchange of students, undergraduates and graduate students. Mutual publication of educational materials. Implementation of joint research and training programs, projects, courses, seminars for training, retraining, and professional development of teachers. |
Slovak Republic |
University of St. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava | Conducting joint research projects, submitting joint applications for competitions within European programs, and mutual exchange of information on research results. Mutual participation in scientific and professional meetings, conferences, and symposia. Exchange of publications, experience, academic information and other information materials. Mobility of teachers and researchers for the purpose of lecturing, consulting, pedagogical and methodological activities, implementation and coordination of student mobility. |
Norway |
Sotra Videregående Skole | It is focused on strengthening the competence of Ukrainian students in spoken English through the Reading to Europe program. |
Turkey |
Eskisehir Technical University | Memorandum of Understanding. Academic exchanges. Exchange of experience and know-how on teaching methods, academic information, materials, scientific and technical information, scientific results in certain subject areas. Joint scientific publications. Providing postdoctoral research opportunities. Implementation of joint and/or double degree programs. Implementation of joint training programs. |
Hellenic Republic |
Hotel "Aquaris Hotels", Ormos Panagias |
Conducting internships and training for KDPU students in the Hellenic Republic in accordance with the internship program at hospitality enterprises. |
Hotel "Lichnos Beach Parga", Parga | Organization of practice and internships in the field of hotel, restaurant and tourism business at hospitality enterprises of the Hellenic Republic. | |
Netherlands |
Netherlands Business Academy, Breda | Academic exchanges. Organization of joint scientific conferences, symposia, seminars, etc. Exchange of materials for publication in university journals. Research of common interest in the scientific departments of the Parties. Exchange of special research literature and information in the field of science and technology. |
China |
Organization of Hangzhou Dingyin Overseas Educational Services Co. | Organizing cooperation on the recruitment of foreign citizens for study. Ensuring the procedure for identifying applicants using face recognition technologies, monitoring compliance with the requirements of integrity during the entrance exam for foreigners, technical equipment for video communication with the examination board of the educational institution in real time, conducting consultations and training before the entrance exam to familiarize themselves with the rules of its remote passing and the use of the online platform. |
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- Written by Відділ міжнародних з'язків
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