As an independent unit the Department of General and Age Psychology has existed since September 1989, after it was separated from the Department of Pedagogy. The first Head of the Department was Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Tkachova Liubov. From 1995 to 2005 the Department was headed by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Ustimenko Svetlana. Since March 2005, the Department is headed by Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Natalia Tokareva.
At present the quantitative staff of the department consists of 7 Associate Professors (1 Doctor of Sciences, 6 Candidates of Sciences) and 1 Assistant.
The Department of General and Age Psychology provides teaching of normative disciplines of the sub-cycle of general psychological and pedagogical Bachelor and Master training. The staff of the Department pays considerable attention to the scientific and methodological support of the educational process: lecturers work hard to increase the theoretical and methodological level of their lectures and practical classes, prepare methodological recommendations for students, develop work programs in the basic disciplines studied in the credit-modular system.
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Academic staff of the Department works on a complex collective scientific theme “Multimodality of life-creation of the individual in the modern information society” (head ‒ Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Tokareva N.).
In accordance with the first stage (search-analytical), the analysis of philosophical, psychological, psychological-pedagogical and methodological literature on the topic of the research is carried out. The analysis identifies and describes the main tendencies of personality formation in the new conditions of the subject's existence.
Academics of the department carried out research work in the following areas:
- investigation of the polymodal personality subjectogenesis in the content of paradigm synthesis (N. Tokareva);
- research of individual components of counseling of nuclear and extended family in the system of family interaction (O. Khalik);
- self-design research as a factor of personal development in the modern information society (O. Tkachenko);
- research of the polymodal dimensions of mental development of the critical thinking of the person in the conditions of realization of life creation (N. Makarenko);
- analysis of the phenomenon of personal self-realization of the subjects of the educational process in the conditions of a fragile society (O. Pinska);
- research of life-creation in the context of multicultural socialization of personality (O. Datsenko).
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