The Department of Fine Arts started its activity from the first days of opening the specialty in 1979. For forty years the Department has been training artists-educators. The development of the Department was provided by such well-known specialists in Ukraine as V. Nepomniashchyi, V. Avramenko, S. Holovaty, V. Ivanchenko, I. Udris. In different years, V. Stasevych, O. Rohalieva, R. Piskunova made some contribution to the formation and development of the academic team. For more than three decades Trufkin A. has been working at the Department. However, the vast majority of the academic team was made up of graduates. Today academic staff of the Department, consisting of scientists, methodologists, practitioners, art critics, trains specialists in art and pedagogical education and takes an active part in the designers' training.
The department provides training of a cycle of special disciplines in the theory, history and methodology of Fine Arts and Design, Graphics, Drawing and Painting as basic disciplines in the content of training of future specialists of all fields of Art, Sculpture, Composition and other practical artistic disciplines. Students are guided by educational and production practices, management of qualification projects and master's studies. Lecturers of the department are participants of international and all-Ukrainian conferences, authors of textbooks, scientific and methodological publications. Also they take an active part in scientific activity. The staff of the department also conducts extensive educational work among the youth of our city and region on aesthetic education and artistic development, maintaining constant contacts with extracurricular institutions of artistic direction.
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- Hits: 377
During the last period, academic staff of the department researched the collective theme: “Independent and individual work in the system of professional training of students of artistic specialties” (Head: Professor I. Udris). Nowadays academics are working on the final stage of the study, completing the material in the textbook. The main objective of the study was to determine the optimal ways of combining the assets of national education with the principles of the European credit and module system; definition of forms and methods of independent work which will ensure successful mastering of professional competences; studying of conditions of motivation development for independent and individual work of students. Equally important is the individual research activity of a number of academics who are consistently engaged into the realization of their own scientific interests in accordance with defined plans.
Each year academic staff of the Fine Arts Department are upgraded through internships at the leading departments of the country's leading art colleges, participation in international and all-Ukrainian scientific-practical conferences, congresses, gaining scientific degrees and academic titles.
Practical artistic and creative activity of teachers is presented in exhibitions participation of various subjects and localization, among which there are personal, all-Ukrainian, regional and city events. In total, over 350 works of the department's representatives were exhibited during the current year. In particular, exhibitions of creative works of academics and students of the department, field competitions of regional and international importance were organized and held.
- Written by international
- Hits: 379