Department of Fine Arts and Graphics trains in terms of specialties “Fine Arts” and “Design”. Students of “Fine Arts” study a wide range of professional disciplines such as Drawing, Painting, Composition, Fine Arts History and Techniques, Sculpture, Decorative and Applied Arts. Future designers acquire professional knowledge and skills in various areas. Among them are the following: “Graphic Design”, “Design of clothes and accessories”, “Interior Design” and “Landscape Design”. Training takes place in a separate building that contains classrooms and specially organized workshops. Exhibition halls and university Art museum are also located there. Classes are held by highly qualified academic staff, including lecturers, PhDs, members of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine and the Union of Designers of Ukraine. Faculty graduates can hold the positions in the field of Art Pedagogics in public and special higher educational institutions as well as successfully work in design, advertising and individual Art


Dean's office staff:

 y7EqVKTCv3c Vice Dean:  Larysa Eivas, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor
 Стефанюк М Vice Dean of the Educational work: Stefanyuk Mykhailo
 Мусієнко О  Head of the Professional Bureau:  Musienko Olexandr
 Романюк Л.П.диспетчер деканату  Inspector of Arts courses: Romanyuk Ludmila


Address:  Kryvyi Rih, 50027,Mystetska St. 10

Phone: +38056 470-12-56




Department of Fine Arts

Department of Applied and Decorative Arts and Design



First (Bachelor) Level:

Full-time Study

022 Design (Graphic Design)

022 Design (Landscape Design)

022 Design (Design of Clothes)

014.12 Secondary Education (Fine Arts), Specialization: Decorative Art

014.12 Secondary Education (Fine Arts), Specialization: Floristry

Part-time Study

014.12 Secondary Education (Fine Arts)


Second (Master) Level:

Full-time Study

014.12 Secondary Education (Fine Arts), Specialization: Decorative Art

Part-time Study:

014.12 Secondary Education (Fine Arts)

