Faculty of Natural Sciences provides training in specialties “Biology” and “Chemistry”. The faculty is equipped with computer classes where students can study the latest information technology, computer modelling of biological and chemical processes. There are two experimental laboratories “Vegetation Ecology of Kryvyi Rih region” and “Theoretical and Applied Ornithology”. Several scientific clubs and problem-research groups actively work within the faculty. Students take part in scientific expeditions and field surveys practising in the reserved areas of “Askania Nova” and “Kinburn Bar”. Chemistry students investigate the structure of human-made environment objects situated in Kryvyi Rih region. Their attention is also focused on exploring the features of technology producing processes in industrial facilities of Dnipropetrovskyi region. Moreover students of this faculty have interesting and exciting entertainment activities. They participate in joint university festivals and amateur concerts, take part in sports competitions in fitness aerobics, peform discos, brain-rings and tours.

Dean's office staff:

Нечипуренко Павло Павлович
Dean: Nechypurenko Pavlo, Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Lecturer.
ТМА Vice Dean: Alyokhina Tatiana, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Scientist, Associate Professor
 Kaf TV1.5 Head of the Professional Bureau: Selivanova Tetiana, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Chemistry and Methods of its Teaching
 Chorna Inspector: Tretyakova Kateryna



Address: Kryvyi Rih, 50086, Gagarin av., 54

Phone: +38 056 470-13-46

E-mail: natural@kdpu.edu.ua



Department of Botany and Ecology 

Department of Zoology and Methods of Biology Teaching 

Department of Chemistry and Methods of its Teaching 

Department of Physical Education and Methods of its Teaching



First (Bachelor) level:

Full-time Study

014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry), Additional Specialty 014.09 Secondary Education (Computer Science)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health), Additional Specialty 014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health), Additional Specialty 053 Psychology

101 Ecology, Specialization: Ecology of Urban Landscapes, Park and Garden Areas

014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Education), Specialization: Sport Tourism

Part-time Study

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)

014.11 Secondary Education (Physical Education)


Second (Master) level:

Full-time Study

014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry), Additional Specialty 014.09 Secondary Education (Computer Science)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health), Additional Specialty 014.06 Secondary Education (Chemistry)

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health), Additional Specialty 053 Psychology

Part-time Study

014.05 Secondary Education (Biology and Human Health)

