Старова Тетяна Валерїївна

Starova Tetiana ‒ Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department.

Scientific interests: natural chemical processes, the role of chemical knowledge in the everyday life, physiological influence of organic substances on living organisms.

Candidate thesis: “Spectrophotometric and sorption spectroscopic determination of Arsenic and Phosphorus with heteropolyanions using”.

Training courses: Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry, Modern Chemistry Problems, Ecochemistry and Environmental Monitoring.

Scientific publications: 65 (37 scientific papers: 19 professional journal publications, 3 monographs in co-authorship.

Conference participation: 10 international conferences and 7 national conferences.

Нечипуренко Павло Павлович

Nechypurenko Pavlo Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences.

Scientific interests: chemical analysis, virtual chemical laboratories, methods of chemical problems assembly and solving, applied chemical experiment.

Candidate thesis: “Information and communication technologies as a tools of formation of senior pupils' research competencies in the chemistry profile learning”.

Training courses: Quantitative Calculations in Chemistry, Chemical Technology, Chemical Experimentation Technique, Analytical Chemistry, Ecochemistry and Environmental Monitoring, Chemical Technology, Inorganic and Organic Synthesis, Computer Mathematics Systems in Chemistry.

Scientific publications: 24 (14 articles - 6 professional journal papers, and 1 paper in the professional international edition, 7 abstracts, 2 manuals; 1 monograph.

Conference participation: 11 - 5 international conferences, 2 national conferences.

Столяренко Вікторія Григорівна

Stoliarenko ViktoriiaCandidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Scientific interests: chemistry of coordination compounds.

Candidate thesis: “Synthesis, structure and properties of binuclear cluster rhenium(III) compounds with phosphatic ligands”.

Training courses: Heterocycle Chemistry Fundamentals, Complex Compounds, General Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry.

Scientific publications: 2 patents, 17 papers, 9 abstracts.

Альохіна Тетяна Миколаївна

Alokhina Tetiana ‒ Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Assistant

Scientific interests: hydroecochemistry, hydroecotoxicology, biochemical ecology of hydroecosystems.

Candidate thesis: Hygienic estimation of the flotation production technology of an iron-ore concentrate using flotation agent “Lilaflot D 817M”.

Training courses: Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry.

Scientific publications: 71, 3 monographs.

Conference participation: 28 conferences of different levels.

Селіванова Тетяна Валеріївна

Selivanova Tetiana ‒ Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor.

Scientific interests: heteropolycomplexes and their associates with organic dyes, sorption, chemistry in everyday life.

Candidate thesis: “Ion associates of heteropoly molybdates as analytical forms for the determination of Silicon and Germanium in various objects”.

Training courses: Physical and Colloidal Chemistry, Applied Aspects of Chemistry, Inorganic and Organic Synthesis, Computer Modeling of Chemical Processes, Extracurricular Chemistry Work, Analytical Chemistry.

Scientific publications: 14 papers, 13 abstracts.

Кравчук Ольга Леонідівна

Olga Kravchenko ‒ Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer.

Scientific interests: Methods of researching the structure and properties of food systems, pedagogical innovations in higher education.

Candidate thesis: Formation of professional competence of future food technology technicians in the educational process of the college.

Training courses: Biochemistry; Biological Activity of Chemicals; Methods of Specialised Teaching of Chemistry in Educational Institutions.

Квітко Максим Олександрович

Kvitko Maksym ‒ Assistant.

Scientific interests: Ecological Phytocoenology, Biogeochemistry of Phytocoenoses, Life Safety, Health Protection.

Training courses: Fundamentals of Health Preservation and Life Safety, Nutritional physiology.

Волощенко Любов Яківна Voloshchenko Lybov ‒ Senior Laboratory Assistant.
Гадяцька Ольга Володимирівна Gadyatska Olga ‒ Laboratory Assistant.