Academic staff of the Department works on a complex collective scientific theme: "Theory and methodology of development of art education in the conditions of modern integration processes" (head ‒ Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences V. Mishchanchuk). The work has applied character. Research work in this area is carried out on the following aspects:
- substantiation of theoretical and methodological foundations of art education, education and professional development of the future teacher of Music and leader of the choreographic team;
- development of psychological and pedagogical conditions, means and methods of formation of professional competences of the individual and their introduction into the educational process of higher education;
- updating of educational and methodological support of methodical, music-performing and choreographic preparation of the future teacher of Music, leader of the choreographic team.
The results of the researches are introduced by lecturers of the department at international, all-Ukrainian, regional scientific-practical conferences and reflected in scientific, scientific-methodical and methodical publications (monographs, manuals, recommendations, textbooks, articles and abstracts).