Kramarenko T GCandidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Docent of the Department of Mathematics and Methods of its Teaching Tetiana Кrаmаrеnkо presented the report “Forming of personality qualities of schoolchildren in the process of the computer-oriented studies of Mathematics”.

Report cleared out the integral computer-oriented approach. It in detail its use in the study of school course of Mathematics, directed on forming of personality qualities of student such as organizational, cognitive, creative; ones; criteria and levels of formed of personality qualities are specified. It was carried out the maintename of mathematics, proper theoretical and task material, in particular, for the deep study of mathematics, pedagogical programmatic facilities, computer-oriented methods and forms of studies, were considered principles of construction of the system of developing tasks. The methodical recommendations are developed in relation to the use GRAN1, GRAN-2D, GRAN-3D, DG, GeoGebra  in an educational process. The results of pedagogical experiments confirm the efficiency of the offered components of the computer-oriented system methodical of studies.

Organizing inclusive learning of physical and mathematical disciplines by students with disabilities in technical institutions of higher education

During the meeting the main characteristics of professionally significant personal qualities of the future teacher in the context of the Concept of a New Ukrainian School were discussed.
